e-mail: sanusi.my@gmail.com

SMS: +60192348786 (Ahmad, KL) Skype: sanusimy

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Monday, 29 March 2010

MonaVie: The Doctors

[CBS The Doctors]—January 7, 2009—The Doctors, a daytime talk show delivering up-to-the-minute information from a panel of four practicing medical professionals, featured the acai berry and MonaVie in a segment on the top 10 health trends for 2009. The acai berry ranked at No. 7 on the list, and according to the hosts: this miracle berry is made into a juice that is high in antioxidants. Audience members were ecstatic to learn that everyone would be sent home with their own bottle of MonaVie Pulse. Used with permission from CBS (www.thedoctorstv.com). Please visit the MonaVie blog for more information: http://monaviemediacenter.com.


Ahmad (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
email: sanusi.my@gmail.com
SMS: +60192348786
Skype: sanusimy

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